Our Herd Sires
U2 Quality Seedstock Produces High-Performing Bulls Using Proven Genetics
Sires backed by multiple generations of proven, quality females, bred to perform and make a sustainable maternal impact.
Browse our Herd Sires
Red Angus Sires
- Reg#: 2265892
- DOB: 21/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2197K
A benefit-the-breed type with a beautiful, clean design yet expansive muscle shape and exceptional front end and foot structure. The $62,000 sale feature from our 2023 bull sale. Knockin’ Boots X Queen is a recipe for fleshy females with exceptional structure, fertility and udder design.
Owned with Lucas Cutler, Kalkota Red Angus, Steve Lapp, and Jim Cravens.
- Reg#: 1949050
- DOB: 27/01/2016
- Tattoo: DUA 371D
Dam: RED U-2 BEAUTY 113Z
Phenotypical masterpiece who had as many friends as any bull we have raised. Backed up the legendary beauty 113Z. Daughters are following in the footsteps of Beauty with unmatched fleshing ability and udder quality.
- Reg#: 2356083
- DOB: 01/01/2023
- Tattoo: CUA 3202L
A game changing, calving ease all-star with as much lower third as you’ll find. Still easy moving and driven, Sundown is the complete package and the stoutest 3Y descendant to date. The 3Y x Envious mating has been used here for over ten years.
Owned with GENEX and Rhodes Red Angus
- Reg#: 2216043
- DOB: 16/02/2021
- Tattoo: CUA 511J
A rare combination of functional heavy muscle, wide pin set, and unmatched fleshing ability all tied into a cow-making front end! The $31,000 sale feature from 2022 was on our radar from the very start with early maturing bull character and vigor. Backed by a herd favorite young 147C daughter, 41F, possessing extra frame and length while maintaining that signature Roberta look!
Owned with Peacock Angus Ranch
- Reg#: 2044017
- DOB: 23/01/2018
- Tattoo: DUA 284F
One of the most respected bulls in the breed who is truly doing it all. Outcross, heavy-weighing cattle with true Angus character and skull shape. High-dollar sons everywhere and tremendous uddered, maternal daughters producing at a very high level.
Owned with ST Genetics and Cheramie Viator
- Reg#: 2099946
- DOB: 26/01/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 277G
Dam: RED U2 EMILY 607D
Year after year Monte progeny turn heads and top contemporary groups. We were lucky enough to be able to purchase him back this year from our good friends at Valnes Ranch. Like Monte himself, his progeny are hairy, cherry red, loose hided, big boned, stout and stand on as good of foot as you’ll find. Daughters here and South of the border never miss with excellent fertility, teat size and placement. We plan on implementing Monte very heavily over the years to come.
Owned with Valnes Ranch
- Reg#: 4067046
- DOB: 12/03/2018
- Tattoo: DUA 627F
Dam: RED U-2 LADY 368C
A bull who has multiple sons topping sales in Canada and the USA. Nova was super correct made herdbull with excellent length, skull shape, and foot design. Young Nova daughters are rising to the top of herds. Backed by generations of female-making power on the top and bottom side of the pedigree.
Owned with TJS Red Angus
- Reg#: 2291813
- DOB: 27/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2240K
The red-hided 60H son we are going forward with bringing $37,500 in 2023. A 2023 sale season highlight for pattern, presence, and foot design. Backed by our new-to-the club Anexa 17F donor.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2107136
- DOB: 02/02/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 368G
The last natural calf to be born out of the great Beauty 113Z in Canada. This $50,000 2020 sale feature has passed expectations five times over. His 2023 selling sons were in very high demand, going to many top breeders across North America. Their fleshing ability is second to none in a moderate plus package that will cross well in any direction you go. Low birth, high ratioing cattle with a beyond-proven and predictable pedigree to top it off!
Owned with Barenthsen Bullinger Red Angus
- Reg#: 2219180
- DOB: 01/03/2021
- Tattoo: CUA 551J
Dam: U2 MISTY 456F
A low-birth, genetic showpiece with unmatched style and foot design, 551J has set the bar high with a tremendous first set of sons to sell in 2024. Front to back, they’re hard not to pick out and admire. Now for the best part: Misty 456F. Mama has hit a home run at every at-bat and comes from a very long line of belly-dragging, front-pasture Misty cows who always raise the good ones!
Owned with Weber Red Angus
- Reg#: 1981562
- DOB: 21/01/2017
- Tattoo: DUA 295E
Dam: RED U-2 ANEXA 439A
The cherry-red phenom with a bulletproof pedigree and type. The $76,000 high seller from 2018. Backed by the queen herself in Anexa 439A. Blue Collar has made countless top-quality sons and left second-to-none young mama cows.
- Reg#: 2325063
- DOB: 04/02/2023
- Tattoo: CUA 3387L
The second lead off bull in our past bull sale that had the Red Angus Breed talking. We believe Hard Knocks is the bull the breed needs right now: Added frame and length, strong topped, near perfect footed with exceptional joint flexibility, and as predictable of a pedigree as you will find.
Owned with Barenthsen Bullinger Red Angus
- Reg#: 2123885
- DOB: 03/01/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 17G
Dam: RED U-2 BEAUTY 113Z
A massive topped, cherry-red, true Angus herdbull with exceptional hair and skull shape. The $130,000 2020 sale feature who had everyone talking. Sons have the same pattern and daughters are untouchable.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch, Rhodes Red Angus and Twedt Red Angus
- Reg#: 1795500
- DOB: 30/01/2014
- Tattoo: DUA 282B
Dam: RED U-2 ANEXA 271Y
Legendary herdbull who is still out breeding cows today. Sons still continue to top sales and daughters are some of the herd favourites. The $58,000 sale feature from 2015 who adds extra bone, frame, and longevity.
Owned with Weber Red Angus
- Reg#: 2115040
- DOB: 12/01/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 83G
A mainstay here with extra frame, length, and top-end foot structure. The $37,500 sale feature in 2021 has left us top dollar sons and maybe our most productive young cows on the farm.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2356086
- DOB: 15/01/2023
- Tattoo: CUA 3275L
A personal favorite deep flanked, easy fleshing, calving ease specialist with extra stoutness and low quarter muscle expression. Backed by generations of top producing mama cows we believe Fort Knox has a big future ahead of him.
Owned with Elkhorn Red Angus
- Reg#: 2327968
- DOB: 08/02/2021
- Tattoo: IMP 1278J
A full brother to Township with extra bone, base width, bone, and pin set. A must-own upon seeing. You can’t get enough Beauty 113Z in the herd! The first set of sons are absolute bulldozers and look to have their place in the breed.
- Reg#: 2095807
- DOB: 13/01/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 103G
Curve-bending stats out of two of the greatest cow-making families in the business with Magnum and Copenhagen. The 2020 $73,000 sale feature has lived up to his hype with sons and daughters making waves. Lakota 54B was one of the most highly regarded females in the U2 herd.
Owned with Ter-Ron Farms and Canadian Sires
- Reg#: 2264978
- DOB: 16/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2161K
Dam: RED U2Q MAY 15H
A new-age, next-level fleshing herdsire with an excellent pattern and skull shape. A $26,000 sale feature who made many friends this past sales season. KNOCKIN’ BOOTS X MAY is a cross we will sure continue to find in the future.
Owned with TJS Red Angus
- Reg#: 2173723
- DOB: 25/01/2020
- Tattoo: CUA 72H
Dam: RED U-2 ANEXA 439A
An outcross we had to make. A female maker with excellent phenotype, length, and foot design. The $30,000 sale feature was part of one the most impressive flushes to date with multiple feature sons and top-end daughters producers in the herd.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2291718
- DOB: 30/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2266K
One of the most stacked pedigreed outcross bulls to date here. He will pretty up those females while maintaining performance and power. One of the best flushes is recent history on both the male and female side.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2266603
- DOB: 26/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2228K
A breed-changing advancement to the red Angus breed. This sale feature has as much style, fleshing ability and calving ease as you’ll find in a herdbull. Perfect skulled with top grade structure from the ground up. Backed by one of the biggest young donors in the breed, Lakota 687E.
Owned with Y Coulee Land and Cattle and Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2291897
- DOB: 10/01/2022
- Tattoo: 2120K
Dam: RED U2 ANEXA 294E
The red carrier Shameless 145G son we have chosen to bring to the red division. A home run flush on both sides and a pedigree with the best of the best on both sides. Here is one we are beyond excited for.
Owned with Sunberry Valley Ranch
- Reg#: 2177142
- DOB: 24/01/2020
- Tattoo: CUA 60H
Dam: RED U-2 ANEXA 428B
The talk of 2021 was 60H for his unmatched phenotype and outcross pedigree. The $30,000 sale feature walked the walk as sons topped our 2023 sale and daughters have made great impressions on summer tours.
- Reg#: 4637847
- DOB: 24/01/2020
- Tattoo: CUA 64H
Dam: RED U-2 LADY 368C
The outcross we have all been waiting for, SAV PRESIDENT X ANEXA 333N. Hard to put a better pedigree together. The $30,000 sale feature in 2022. He is big-boned with lots of length, excellent foot structure and top line. First sons have highlighted and topped sales while daughters look to be on their way to stardom.
Owned with Rhodes Red Angus and Mark Jolly
- Reg#: 2291737
- DOB: 11/01/2022
- Tattoo: CUA 2126K
Untouched muscle, mass, and bone in a curve-bending, fleshy package. The $36,000 sale feature outcross was admired by all. Best part about him is the full-sib sisters. Backed up one of the hottest cows in the breed, Roberta 147C.
Owned with McMillen Ranching
Black Angus Sires
- Reg#: 2097029
- DOB: 17/01/2019
- Tattoo: DUA 145G
Dam: U-2 ROSEBUD 157C
Flawless phenotype in this game-changing sire. Record-setting $290,00 phenom who took the world by storm in 2020. Progeny are following in this game-changers footsteps. Backed up one of the most respected cows in the business, Rosebud 157C. Her never-miss production record, pattern, and pedigree of donors separate her from the rest.
Owned with Ranch Covey Hill
- Reg#: 19249996
- DOB: 02/03/2018
- Tattoo: 8025
A true meat machine with second-to-none breed character and fleshing ability in a free-motion package. A rainfall son who gains weight while breeding, 8025 was our choice in 2019. His dam is no other then Blackcap May 1808
Owned with Big Coulee Angus
- Reg#: 20374257
- DOB: 02/13/2022
- Tattoo: 2028
After seeing the impact Badlands has left the industry, we needed a part of that bull. $40,000US later, we got the sim we wanted in Unchartered. Explosive lower quarter shape with loads of hair and muscle in an excellent moving, long-framed herdbull. Madame Pride 8083 was our kind of cow, and we are very excited on what kind of mark 2028 leaves.
Owned with Ellingson Angus
- Reg#: 2323204
- DOB: 06/01/2023
- Tattoo: CUA 3223L
Dam: U2 LENORE 215E
A show stopping individual that will carry on his sire’s phenotypic legacy. Ranking in the top 1% for CE and MCE. Milestone is as soft and deep flanked as they come with Herdbull presence, crest and a pedigree that combines many of the breeds top cows and cow lines.
- Reg#: 20161209
- DOB: 03/05/2021
- Tattoo: 1283
The Circuit Breaker son we had to own. As complete as they come with a world-class structure 1283 was the one. With a list too long of top-ranked mama cows in the pedigree, we believe 1283 will be a mainstay building block here.
Red Angus Legacy Sires
- Reg#: 1504181
- DOB: 16/01/2009
- Tattoo: DUA 61W
Mission is the definition of what we are looking for in a legacy sire! He has been a top female-making machine. His daughters are still favorites with visitors and for good reason. They are dark red and hairy, angular and deep-bodied with excellent udder quality and plenty of look! We love the way they breed and produce. Mission 61W daughters have been heifer calf champions in Denver in 2013 and 2015 and continue to sell south of the border very well to this day!
- Reg#: 1629213
- DOB: 29/01/2011
- Tattoo: DUA 192Y
A bull that helped us get put on the map and has a ton of influence in our herd, to say the least! Maybe more than any other sire to date. Nearly perfectly skulled with tons of masculinity, crest, and about as good-footed as you can make on one. He sired the $46,000 Reckoning 149A and the $59,000 Entourage 282B, to name a few, with many daughters and donors working here and all across North and South America.
- Reg#: 1645081
- DOB: 02/02/2011
- Tattoo: DWW 3Y
Copenhagen is the $67,000 outcross bull that never goes out of style. His influence in our program has definitely been noteworthy! His daughters are stunning females who are very productive herd bull producers. They are very popular with visitors, and many have earned their way into our donor program! Udders that last forever, great fleshing ability with strong maternal instinct. Copenhagen sons have been well received by many top commercial programs and selected by over 20 purebred herds throughout North America.
- Reg#: 1629190
- DOB: 11/01/2011
- Tattoo: DUA 24Y
Strikeforce was the high-selling Mission son in 2017 to our good friends at Y-Coulee. He is a bull we were lucky enough to collect before he was delivered, as he was unfortunately injured early in his career and semen is extremely rare! His females have turned into some of the best cows in the breed phenotypically and they produce very true with quiet dispositions. A bull that sires real-world sons and donors!
- Reg#: 1680095
- DOB: 26/01/2012
- Tattoo: DUA 168Z
Dam: RED U2 PRIDE 638S
A featured high-selling herd sire that sold to Texas in 2013. We were lucky to collect him before his trip south, and that turned dividends for our cowherd! His semen produces front-pasture cows and has been kept exclusive and used sparingly. His female-making ability has been extraordinary and is still used in special flushes today.
- Reg#: 1763017
- DOB: 19/01/2013
- Tattoo: DUA 149A
Dam: RED U2 ANEXA 271Y
The first calf from the World Renown Anexa 271Y. Reckoning has earned worldwide acceptance with record-setting sons and daughters. He consistently passes on his dark red hair coat, loose-hided build with ample bone, tremendous skull shape, and a near-perfect foot! He is also a full brother to Entourage 282B!
- Reg#: 1498744
- DOB: 03/01/2009
- Tattoo: MHZ 169W
One for the history books here, Magnum bred strong till the day he died while making a name for himself with daughters that calve in January and last forever. A gentle herd bull that was always a favorite on tours. If you look through popular U2 pedigrees a high percent will include Magnum 169W!
- Reg#: 1837648
- DOB: 22/01/2015
- Tattoo: DUA 193C
The $73,000 herd sire who has been super popular in Canada and South America. His sons and daughters are full of muscle and performance with extra bone and feet that will last forever from his near-perfect leg structure. His females are very special as they have extra punch but are still as fertile as any. They possess the right kind with exceptional udders and never-miss production records. Envious 147X has never missed and became a staple donor here for a lot of years.
- Reg#: 1837622
- DOB: 23/01/2015
- Tattoo: DUA 1213C
Our high seller in 2016 to Y-Coulee for $102,500. Riff is as unique of a herd bull as you’ll find with “show” hair, character, natural thickness, beautiful fronted daughters, and surprising calving ease. Ophelia 370W was a crowd favorite among tours and about as big-ribbed and feminine as you can make them.
- Reg#: 1811582
- DOB: 14/02/2014
- Tattoo: DUA 413B
Dam: RED U2 ANEXA 8026U
One of the first true outcross bulls to land and the very first time Xclusive was brought to the red division. A favorite from a very young age, Foreigner was the high seller in 2015 for $73,000 to Ole Farms and partners. His uniqueness in pedigree, muscle, soundness, and CE make him a reliable choice for outcross genetics.
Black Angus Legacy Sires
- Reg#: 1837798
- DOB: 23/01/2015
- Tattoo: DUA 206C
Dam: U2 ERELITE 109Z
Coalition was our high seller in 2015 to Spickler Ranch South. Since then, he has become a Pathfinder sire and became a legend in the Angus breed both in Canada and the United States. His popularity has not faded, and he is still widely popular, with high-selling progeny in 2023! His dam, Erelite 109Z, was a top donor on the farm cows who were sold to Spickler’s and M Diamond Ranch in 2019 for $140,000. Coalition females take after 109Z with stunning udders and beautiful front ends, and they are massive-bodied and sound.
- Reg#: 1564934
- DOB: 03/02/2010
- Tattoo: YDF 25X
A mainstay dual-purpose bull that makes jaw-dropping, massive bodied females and big, stout herd bulls! The hair, foot, and udder quality he transmits is superb. Some of our top donors and cows over the years have been 25X sired, including 109Z, 259Z, 391A, 150A, 98B, 397Z, 304A, 233A, 319A, 182A – to name a few!
- Reg#: 1706210
- DOB: 04/02/2012
- Tattoo: HAMI 213Z
Syndicate has been our go-to calving ease sire with big-time maternal goodness. His daughters have been his greatest asset while the sons have done their part with exceptional BW to WW spread.